NOW - Disability Rights Resolution

Please Post!

I do not yet have the 'exact wording' of the Disability Rights Resolution to be presented, as Jean Craig and her committee are still working on the exact wording. However, I will give you wording from the "NOW" brochure that focuses on Disability Rights.

"Women with disabilities face multiple forms of discrimination, making it even harder to achieve their goals. They are disproportionately affected by unequal wages, unemployment, poverty, sexual and physical abuse, and lack of insurance and other benefits."

"To solve these problems, we must push for universal health care, Medicaid and Medicare funding and accessible medical services. The Americans with Disabilities Act needs enforcement and funding to work."

"We must educate doctors, teachers, judges, police officers and others who may be ill prepared to serve women with disabilities. We should demand more research on disabilities that strike women in greater numbers and health conditions that women with disabilities develop: and we need to press for industry-independent studies on complications related to breast implants. We must also raise awareness about invisible disabilities, such as chemical sensitivities and cognitive, developmental, mental or learning disabilities."

Please note they are specifically naming disabilities related to breast implants!

This resolution will be much more defined in detail before it is passed.

If you would like to see a the "Breast Implant Research Resolution" passed last summer, you can find it at

Most sincerely, Martha Murdock, Director National Silicone Implant Foundation